I have heard so many sad tales of how we treat reverts among the muslims. I remember reading a post made by "writeous sister" in her blog a few years back about the kind of attitude people in her community showed her when she just reverted and I just could not believe it. I wanted to leave a link to the said post but I just found out that the blog is protected and you need a password to read it. I have seen threads on "ummah forums" with titles like "would you marry a revert?" or " should reverts marry themselves?" and so on.
I made a post about female circumcision in Islam and some concerned reader(s) decided it is okay to be uncivil towards me just because I dared to say what the respected scholars of Islam said about the issue. The person(s) somehow concluded for reasons I don't even know that I must be a revert which means to her/them I am not in a position to know or say anything about fiqh. I actually laughed out loud when I read that I was a revert, even though I personally don't see muslim reverts being in any way less than born muslims. I have a number of revert friends and some of them are better than many of us born as muslims in their quest for knowledge and pleasing Allah.
Even if you do not agree with a person's POV about a particular issue, at least you can say it in a kind manner, because at the end of the day we are all muslims striving for the akhirah.
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15 years ago